Highschool Teacher Survey
June 12, 2016
Survey for highschool ICS teacher
As a student of Peel District and taught under some of the most aspiring teachers at my high school, I would have to give credit to both my teachers and my mom for helping me choose my path to be in Computer Science. As my undergrad years comes to an end in 2017, I feel that with my resources that I possess at my university, it’s time to give back to high school students.
With 3 years of computer science and software engineering skills tucked under my belt, its only logical that I pursue enriching the tech and software education in high schools. Software and technology isn’t a skill that only “smart people” learn anymore, it’s a skill that is essential in our daily lives, much as so with math. With how many computer and automated systems we deal with each day, technology is an inescapable presence as it brings us the services that can scale and a peace of mind with the ease of accessibility. Students that do not want to pursue technology can be introduced and understand that fundamentally technology is what helps us solve problems faster and make it scalable to reach a global audience.
Now how do we make technology seem less scary than it needs to be?
University student mentorship, like how we have the big brother and big sister programs. I want to create a university to high school mentorship program that aims to answer the questions that students have, and to show them the opportunity that exists beyond secondary education. University students are more in touch with current trends., and understands the difficulties in secondary schools better.
The survey I have here is to gauge what is current being taught in high schools across Peel District, it lets me understand what type of content and resources I should prepare before September starts.